Archive for May, 2013

President’s letter 0 (0)

Because we had to postpone the Bulletin we now publish the president’s letter already on our website.


Volunteering by PFH 0 (0)

Attached to the recent PFH-emails was this message and an attachment regarding volunteering

Dear All,
    As the retiring VP technical I have been reticent in getting involved in the unfortunate situation that has been developing in the class and feel partly responsible as it was I that drafted the new buy laws. My comments are attached, together with an article indicating that many other classes are run the way the IFDCO was previously organized. Maybe I should have just let well alone. The real problem is that not more sailors volunteer to run IFDCO.
Cheers, Peter

PFH comment 0 (0)

Peter Hinrichsen felt that he had to react on the latest news from the General Committee; Hereby his posting.  PFH comment

General Committee news 0 (0)

The webmaster received an email from Peter Doran and publishes his announcement; General Secretary resigns .

Next Bulletin postponed 0 (0)

The editors didn’t receive a couple of messages in time to enclose them in this issue. Due to all the holidays in May production would end by the end of the month. Therefore we decided to postpone the release date till mid June. We will publish the upcoming National events which are not included in the event section of the IFDCO website in time to notify them to all the members. So please keep eyeing the website.

(Note : on the German website under the header Termine all the known events of all countries have been published by the German webmaster)