Archive for October, 2012


I as VP-Championship have to inform all of you today that we have to change the date of the Largs Worlds 2014. By checking the calendar of 2014 there is a collision with the Kielweek. The 2014 dates of Kiel will be 26th – 29th of June. After checking with our Largs-contact, David Kent, he informed us that it is no problem to change dates. Proposed dates are now for the Worlds 2014; 4th – 12th or 11th – 19th of July. I hereby ask all national secretaries to inform me about their date of preference. Please email me your countries date of preference.

Best Regards, Jan Lechler

AGCM 2012 0 (0)

Our president, Alberto Barenghi, and our general secretary, Peter Doran published the date of 10-11th November 2012 for the Annual General Committee Meeting. Place to be Amsterdam the location is not set yet. If you want to attend give Peter Doran an email. If you want to give feedback or comment on topics to be discussed email us as well. Here’s the posting of the invitation and agenda. AGCM2012 agenda pdf

Worlds 2013 0 (0)

From Hungary we got the latest on the Worlds 2013. For all of you who are still enjoying the Santa Cruz flow and for those who missed out that feeling. Start planning your next years sailing-schedule today by attending the Worlds 2013. Go to the event section of the IFDCO-website, by clicking here.


Editing is in progress. If you have anything to share in the Bulletin (story, photograph’s, adds, …..) please sent your item before the END of this month to Editing will finish the first week of November. We want to ship Bulletin 159 by the end of November. So get on your feet and sent your postings ASAP to the editors.

NFDO Promoboat 2013 0 (0)

The Dutch Class Organization has a competitive Flying Dutchman in their possession. And a Newcomer Team can use that boat for a whole season. Now the 2012 season is almost over the NFDO is looking for a new team for 2013. So they are now advertising the 2013 possibility for youngsters who are interested in becoming FD-sailors.  Contact the NFDO through their website and click on PROMOBOOT.