By tomorrow evening the term of nominating yourself as a IFDCO- board member to expires. So with less then 48 hours to go we once again advertise the vacant job’s: President, treasurer, vp-championships and vp-communications. It is heart-breaking to see that only one new name has popped up for vp-communications – Marc Strittmacher from Germany -. For vp-championships – Jan Lechler – and president – Ronald Stalman – we have two existing board members who want to for fill the duties attached to the job. But for treasurer no name surfaced – by now – to take over from Fred Schaaf. Read how to get yourself nominated by clicking the read more button …..
At the Largs Worlds 2014 the decision was made – coming from the competitors, at the competitors forum – that it was their wish to conduct an European Championship in 2015. I as VP-Championships therefor asked several countries to make a proposal. 2 countries Croatia/Slovenia and Italy came up with a proposal – see Bulletin 162 -. Because of the short period of time to get things running the GC-members voted for the place to be. Croatia will be the venue to conduct the European Championship 2015. The date set is 13 – 19 September. Further information on short notice ……. VP Championships Jan Lechler GER100.
The last posting on our website how te apply for the IFDCO-board vacancies mentioned that John Best nominated him self to get elected as the new President of IFDCO. However being a couple of weeks further down the road there are some setbacks in his private choices that made him rethink his decision for this nomination. In a lengthy email – our much appreciated chief measurer – has withdrawn his nomination. – the webmaster –
As you all know or at least could have been reading in our Bulletin the IFDCO-board needs new officers and they have to be elected. How to get elected you see in the read more section. IFDCO-board vacancies are: President, Treasurer, VP-Championships and VP-communications. Press read more …..
This morning the webmaster received news from down under. The 2015 worlds blog is launched. See all latest Sydney news here.