Archive for January, 2016

FD Worlds Entry Fee – Paypal 0 (0)

Now there is the possibility to pay the entry fee for the FD Worlds via Paypal. This makes it easier for Non-Euro competitors to pay without moneytranfer fees from your bank. Here are the details. MARC GER172

Worldwide FD racecalender 0 (0)

We are very happy to present you the very first online worldwide FD racecalender with all FD regattas we know so far. Some countries are still missing but the dates will be ready to be pulished soon. MARC GER172

St. Petersburg Russia Worlds 2017 0 (0)

You may recall that we agreed at the AGCM in Sydney that we would support going to St. Petersburg in Russia for the 2017 Worlds on the condition that the organisers were able to satisfy some of our concerns and more importantly were able to source sufficient funding to cover all container costs. Well I’m pleased to say that not only they have now answered all the issues we raised but have secured the necessary funding/sponsorship to meet the container costs. With all that in place we have today signed a contract with the Russian Flying Dutchman Class Organisation to host the Championships. We don’t know exact dates right now but it will be sometime around the end of July/early August.

This means that the 2018 WC will be in Italy, exact details of venue & dates to be confirmed.

Tony Lyall
President IFDCO