Archive for May, 2021

New FD Bulletin 172 3.5 (2)

The new FD Bulletin is online!

Enjoy it until your printed version is arriving at you local country.

–> Link to Bulletin 172

Invitation to the Bene Wiedemann challenge (Trophy and Rules) 5 (1)

Dear FD friends,

To remember his friend Bene Wiedemann, the Circolo Vela Cesenatico and the Italian FD class have decided to associate the “Alto Adriatico Trophy” with a Challenge named after him to commemorate the figure of Bene and his friendly relations with the Club and the Italian FD class. To honor the spirit of hospitality, the Club offers free registration to all foreign crews participating in the event.

The Italian Ministry of Health has issued a new ordinance regulating international travel under COVID-19, which is in effect from 16 May until 30 July 2021. A very good news is the removal of the quarantine requirement for travelers from EU and Schengen countries, Israel, and the UK. However, all persons entering Italy must present negative COVID-19 test results from the 48 hours prior to entering Italy.
We would be grateful if could share this message with the family of Bene Wiedemann and with all the FD sailors interested.
Please find attached the invitation to the Bene Wiedemann Challenge and the N.o.R.
Thank you
Luigi, Nicola and Eric
Executive Committee of the Italian Flying Dutchman

FD Worlds 2021 – Registration is open 4.6 (5)

Dear friends of the Flying Dutchman International Class,

from the Club Náutico Altea we want to successfully organize the Flying Dutchman World Championship. Last year it was impossible to celebrate any event because of the pandemic situation. Thanks to the medicine advances and the knowledge of the virus, we will organize the event with more guarantees and with protocols for the safety of all participants, committees, organizers, and other people involved in the celebration of the World Cup.

We are pleased to inform you that we will celebrate the Word Cup in Altea, Spain, from September 4 to 11, 2021.

The registration is open on the Website. We are waiting for you.

Update for Austrian Championship 5 (1)

Please find some updated news on for the Austrian Championship.

Please find here some more information from 11th of May, 2021:

Es gibt neue Informationen zur Corona-Testung während der ÖSTM:
I have new information from UYCNs for the corona-testing during the Austrian championship:

1.      es wird eine Teststation Vorort geben, die Teilnehmer werden am Samstag Abend offiziell getestet
there will be a test-station at the club, every sailor will get a test on Saturday evening

2.      Die Segler*innen müssen mit einem gültigen Corona Test ankommen, der bis mind. Samstag Abend gültig ist, d.h. alle müssen am Freitag früh oder später testen gehen.
Every sailor has to come to Neusiedl with a valid corona-test (valid at least until Saturday evening)

3.      Ihr bekommt dann noch ein genaues Konzept, aber ich muss noch auf die Verordnung warten.
The corona-concept of the club will follow, as soon as the new corona-rules of Austria (starting with 19.05.2021) are out

4.      Nachmeldegebühr wird keine verrechnet! Jedoch bitte ich unbedingt um Überweisung im Vorfeld. Zahlungsbestätigung muss vorgelegt werden.
There will be no extra fee for late-paying! But please transfer the money in adavance and bring the payment-confirmation

5.      Für unsere Gäste aus den Nachbarländern wird sicher am Montag ein zusätzlicher Test möglich sein.
For the foreign sailors there will be a possibilty to get tested on Monday (before you go home and cross the border)

6.      Sollten Die Segler aus den Nachbarländern eine Bestätigung benötigen, dann sollen sie uns das bitte ausgefüllt an schicken
If you need a confirmation from the club please fill the this sheet and send it to

Bezüglich Vermessung ist der Club noch im Kontakt mit den Vermessern was überhaupt notwendig ist.
Refering measurement we will get further information soon; the club is checking this with the measurer.

Manfred Panuschka
Secretary Austrian FD CLASS