We just added the events of Poland and Spain to the events calender 2023.
Dearest Flying Dutchman-sailors!
I wish you all a happy,prosperous and healthy 2023!
I hope you had a nice Christmas time with your family and friends and had a fine New Years Eve!
Another year has passed. We all felt that Covid was a big obstruction to our normal life and are all happy that the worst is over. It would have been nice if all would have been back to ‘normal’!
But another disaster struck the World. The war in the Ukrain with all its consequences. I really do not understand why this is happening in the actual period of human civilization. It has a
great effect on our minds and also economically! Let’s hope it will be over soon!
So let’s not forget when we are sailing our Flying Dutchman what a great feeling of joy and freedom it gives to us! Let’s realize how valuable these moments are also sharing this time with our friends!
We again had this great feeling at the Worlds in Campione. What a great event a World Championship always is!
So IFDCO is making all the preparations for the next Worlds in Gdynia Poland. At the end of July we should have great weather and I heard from sailors who were at the Gdynia Sailing Week last year it seems to be a beautiful place with good racing.
Furthermore we are sorting out the issue for the containers and their prices for the Worlds in Florida planned for March 2024. We will make a decision in March of this year if the Championship will take placeĀ in the US.
The Bulletin will be presented soon. We hoped to get it ready before Christmas of last year but I regret that we did not make that date.
We will also present to you probably in february a new rewritten Class Rule 115 about pumping. At the last Worlds we had quite a few problems with it. The now existing rule leads to confusion with the jury. So we will have to rewrite it and clearify what we want from it as the Flying Dutchman Class!
Kind regards
Peter van Koppen