Dear FD-sailors,
As Tony Lyall recently informed the General Committee that he took the decision to step down from his position as Boat Registrar we of course first want to thank him for all his effort and time to perform his job.
As all positions in the board are important also is his. We need the Measurement Certificates in order to be able to compete in our regattas.
So Tony many thanks from the Class for what you voluntarily did for us after off course being our President in earlier times!
So at the same time we want to ask if anyone is willing to take over the job as the Boat Registrar. The task of the boat registrar is providing the measurement certificates. In the first place for the new boats but also in case of change of ownership or when measurement certificates are lost. In 2023 Tony issued 19 measurement certificates. This to give an
indication of the quantity. Tony is willing to help an eventual successor in the transition.
Note: As the Boat Registrar you are not obliged to take part in any meeting.
So please if anybody is willing to take over his job please contact us!
Peter van Koppen
President IFDCO