
Dear sailors,

as measurement team we ask for your help. We do need extra hands. At the moment we don’t have enough volunteers to fulfil a proper measurement.

We need the following:

1 person at boat entry – someone who check if the boat is dry, towing line, life jackets, trapeze harness…….. For Saturday and Sunday
2 people with the mast and boom – Friday, Saturday and Sunday
2 people with the hull weighing – Now I have one person for Sunday, I need 2 people on Friday
1 person for Sail measuring – on all days and an extra person for Saturday

If you would like to help please contact Tanja Heijink (tanja.heijink@gmail.com or +31629525576).

Your help is much appreciated,

And….. if you don’t have registered yet for a timeslot for measurement. Please do. You can find the instructions on the notice board.




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