Dear FD sailor,
today we start a new way of communication 🙂
Our own IFDCO app is available now!
Please have a look in your app-store and look for „IFDCO“ or use the QR code below.
This new app allows us a world-wide-communication between all FD sailors.
The following features are available in the first step:
1) a direct link to all our events
2) a chat with predefined channels for each country, World Championships, FD sailors worldwide. Please add your preferred channels to your own list. You can also create private groups or get in contact with people who are already registered. All this absolutely data protection compliant;
3) a members area where you can publish your sailing-pictures and where we can have official surveys – this area is just for IFDCO members. Please login with your name and email etc. and select the role „member“. You will receive a notification when your IFDCO membership is confirmed. If you are not a member yet you can get in touch with the IFDCO for a new membership.
4) you can see all the news from our website directly in the app – you will also receive a push-notification when there is a new post on the website
5) find all links to our social media channels within the app
6) a list of all official contacts: General Committee and National Secretaries – the details of each persons will be added as soon as we have the approval of the person
7) a list of all necessary documents for FD-sailing (e.g. Byelaws, Classrules) – this list will also be enhanced soon
8) available Bulletins for direct access – the old versions will also be added
9) a worldwide Pin Board to sell & find boats, equipment, sailors for a regatta etc. Feel free to publish your needs or availability.
10) a map with our national organisations and our sailing areas (this list will be enhanced)
This app is created with a partner in Germany so please let me know if there may be some german words somewhere 😉
If you want to be a partner for the IFDCO and get your business-profile in the partner module please get in touch with me.
This app is the first step in the direction of a world-wide communication. We will make sure that we enhance it step by step and that more usefull features will be implemented.
I’m looking forward to receive your feedback and wish you all the best now in discovering our new IFDCO app.
All the best for you.