The next Annual General Committee Meeting (AGCM) will be held sometime during the Worlds in Steinhude this May. At that meeting we need to elect people to the following positions because in accordance with the Class Rules the current post holder has completed their 3 year term.
Executive Officers
General Secretary – regrettably ED Cox has said he is unable stand for another term so nominations are invited for the position.
V.P. Technical – Paul Hemker has agreed to stand for re-election for another 3 year term.
V.P. Development – This position has been vacant for the last 12 months. Rule 6.6.12 states The Vice President Development shall be nominated by IFDCO members who are not represented by the five Commodores (currently GER, ITA, NED, USA & AUS/NZL)
Administrative Officer
Chief Measurer – John Best is standing down after many years in this role, Tanja Heijink (NED) has volunteered to stand for the position and has recently completed the ISAF International Measurers Course.
Below is an extract from Appendix III of the Class’s Bye Laws which gives a brief ‘Job Description’ for each role.
In accordance with Bye Law 6.6.5 Nominations for appointments to the Executive Committee shall be made in writing to the General Secretary at least three months before the commencement of an AGCM. Each nomination shall be proposed by five IFDCO members from at least three countries and shall indicate that the person nominated has confirmed their willingness to serve in accordance with the Byelaws.
It’s important that new & younger people get involved with the management of the class, so if you think you or you know someone else who would be good for any of the roles please don’t hesitate to come forward
In the first instance please submit any nominations to Ed Cox, General Secretary and if you have any questions or wish to discuss any of the roles please either contact myself or Ed
Tony Lyall Tel 00 44 (0)1707 321633
President IFDCO e-mail
Skype tonyfdgbr386
General Secretary
• Attend to all communications from:
a) WS; submit annual reports, calendar of events, class rule changes
b) National Sailing Authorities (MNAs)
c) General Committee members
d) Secretaries of National FD Associations
• Submit an annual report 6 weeks before the AGCM which shall be posted on the
• IFDCO website.
• Deal with arrangements for the AGCM, Executive Meetings, Competitors’ Forums, collect reports and prepare agendas and minutes.
• Act as post box for IFDCO General Committee members and make them aware of developments.
• Maintain files for Executive and General Committee matters, sponsorship agreements, championship agreement and other general correspondence.
• Ensure the class is in conformity with WS regulations 10.5(a) to (e) in order to maintain WS status.
• Update the Class membership and dues database and issue membership numbers via the National secretaries. This may be delegated to a Membership Secretary.
V.P. Technical
• Ensure that General Committee is aware of any changes in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS), and advise on the implications for the Class Rules.
• Keep the lFDCO General Committee up to date with technical developments within the dinghy world.
• Chair the Technical Committee and ensure it fulfils its mandate within the terms of reference as outlined in Appendix IV section 5.0.
• Ensure that the Class Rules and regulations are in conformity with WS regulations 10.5(g).
• Formulate class rule changes, and liaise with WS for their approval.
• Aid the Chief Measurer in arrangements and implementation of regatta inspection at championships.
• Present an annual technical report to the AGCM as well as technical and rule change articles for the website and bulletin.
• In conjunction with the General Secretary and WS oversee the issuing of FD building licences.
• Maintain the technical and Class Rules content of website
• Submit an annual report 6 weeks before the AGCM, for distribution by the General Secretary.
V.P Development
• The role of the Vice President Development is to represent the smaller National FD Class Associations and fleets on the General Committee.
• Represent IFDCO to the National FD Associations.
• Endeavour to work in conjunction with the National FD Class Associations and fleets, and the National Yachting Authorities to promote FD sailing and IFDCO activities. To ensure that IFDCO receives such information as may be necessary to run and develop FD sailing on a world wide basis.
• Encourage the establishment of New National FD Class Associations.
• Submit an annual report 6 weeks before the AGCM, for distribution by the General Secretary.
Chief Measurer
• Member of the General Committee and of the technical Sub Committee.
• Maintain register of all approved National FD Measurers and WS International FD Measurers.
• Train and certify FD Measurers and consult on updates and changes of Class Rules.
• Attend World and Open European Championships and organize regatta inspection by a team of approved measurers.
• Maintain a register of FD measurement equipment and templates.
• Submit an annual report 6 weeks before the AGCM, for distribution by the General Secretary.