
Dear Flying Dutchman Class members!


As you all know Tony Lyall did step down as the President of the class

at the AGCM in Medemblik.


The process for a new nomination was opened on the 25th of January 2018.

As no nominations came in until the 1st of April we silently waited for new ones.

At the  AGCM in Medemblik we still hadn’t received any.

As we do not currently have a President Meike Greten – Secretary and Peter van Koppen -Treasurer- take over the tasks of the President ad interim.

Therefore it was decided at the AGCM to open a new period of six months as required for nominations starting the 1st of January 2019.

So please feel free to nominate any proper candidate who you think is the best person to be the new President of the IFDCO.

We also would like any prepositions for the position of the Treasurer. Eventually in the case of enough support Peter van Koppen would be willing to fill in the position of President. If so we must find a new Treasurer.


Zsofia Csanda stepped down as the boat registrar at the end of September. Tony Lyall is willing to take over this position. According the byelaws the Executice Commitee will finalize this at the next AGCM.


Please be aware of the following procedure for the nominations for these positions which must be in accordance  with our Byelaws as follows with comments in brackets.


6.6.5 Nominations for appointments to the Executive Committee shall be made in writing to the General Secretary at least three months before the commencement of an AGCM. Each nomination shall be proposed by five IFDCO members from at least three countries and shall indicate that the person nominated has confirmed their willingness to serve in accordance with the Byelaws.


6.6.6 On receipt of a valid nomination to fill a vacancy of the Executive committee,the General Secretary shall post a notice on the IFDCO website, together with a short Curriculum Vitae supplied by the nominee. Within one month the General Secretary shall notify the IFDCO membership of a vote together with a deadline one month later, and shall then tally the vote and post the results prior to the AGCM.”When an election is required by the Byelaws is it to be conducted and concluded by a vote of all current IFDCO members present at the competitors meeting.The IFDCO General Secretary will act as the returning officer for the election and will advise the general Committee of the result. The General Committee shall then appoint the new members of the General Committee in accordance with the IFDCO Foundation Rules.

At any election a member may hold u p to five proxies from other IFDCO members. Any such proxy shall be in writing and include endorsement from their National Secretary that all such proxies are from current IFDCO members with a valid and current membership card.” ( amended AGCM 26th May 2013)


6.6.10 The president shall have been an active FD sailor and or a member of the General Committee with a continued interest in attending FD regattas and representing the class at World Sailing.


All nominations along with the correct numbers of proposers must be received by the General Secretary  Meike Greten (generalsecretary@sailifdco.net) not later than 1st of July 2019!



Best regards

Meike Greten

Peter van Koppen

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