2001/2 (Amended June 2008)
1. 1 The International Flying Dutchman Class Organisation, in accordance with the IFDCO Bylaw 4, makes arrangements for the organisation of the FD Open World Championship (WC) and FD Open European Championship(EC) in co operation with the host National FD Class Association(NCA) and the National Authority(NA) (The Organising Authority).
1.2 The WC will take place each year, when possible. The EC will take place each year except when a WC is being held in Europe that year.
1.3 The WC and EC should be the best FD events. Every care will be taken to en- sure that these races are sailed in the greatest friendship and harmony.
1.4 The courses and regulations for the WC and EC shall be fixed by the Organising Authority in cooperation with the IFDCO Championship committee.
1.5 In the event that there are more than 90 entries received for a WC and EC the IFDCO Championship Committee may request the organisers of the Cham- pionship to divide the fleet into two starts. The precise rules shall be provided to competitors with the Sailing Instructions.
1.6 In countries holding National Championships, the organisation, course, scoring, nationality, number of races and admission shall be decided upon by the NCA and the NA of the organising country. Any NCA or NA holding an Open National Championship are requested to observe paras 2.5 and 5.2 of these Championship Rules.
2.1 Every boat in a WC and EC and National Championships shall be crewed by fully paid up members of IFDCO and shall comply with all appropriate IFDCO bylaws and class rules.
2.2 Helms should recognise the importance of fostering a spirit of international camaraderie at major events and should at all times act accordingly and encourage their crews to join IFDCO and behave in a similar spirit.
2.3 Competitors are also subject to the ISAF Eligibility Code as prescribed in ISAF Regulation 19 of the RROS.
2.4 The National FD Class Association shall endeavour to ensure that any mem- ber of IFDCO is eligible to enter their Open National Championship subject to any limit applied by the organising committee in which case it is recommended that the total limit should be declared and entries be accepted in the order they are paid.
3.1 Anyone who enters for a WC or EC and withdraws before the end of the se- ries for no good reason may, at the discretion of the IFDCO General Committee on receiving advice from the IFDCO Championship Committee, be barred from participating in the next year’s championship.
4.1 In very exceptional circumstances, after gross breach of good manners and sportsmanship in a Championship, the IFDCO General Committee has the right to expel an owner, helmsman and/or crew from further participation and from future Championships for a limited period. Rule 69 is in force at all times.
5.1 For WC and EC the representing helmsman of a country shall be a citizen of that country. The nationality of the crew is optional.
5.2 For any other international event the nationality requirements, if any, should be set out in the Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions.
6.1 All boats entering a Championship shall conform to the rules and regulations of the International Flying Dutchman Class, shall have a valid certificate and must be able to show it with the measurement form at a Championship.
The IFDCO Class Measurer and/or IFDCO Championship Committee and/or the Jury have the right to have boats or sails etc wholly or partly remeasured at any time during a championship.
6.2 If any discrepancies are found the boat will not have the right to participate in FD races until a further official remeasurement shows it conforms to the rules.
7.1 The scoring system for WC and EC shall be the Low Points Scoring System as laid down in RROS Appendix A with the following alterations:
a) If more than seven races are completed then there shall be two discards, if se- ven, six or five races are completed there shall be one discard. If only four races are completed then all shall count. When only three or less races are completed the Championship is not valid. b) When there is a tie on total points between two or more boats, the boat that has finished more times in front of the other shall prevail (inclusive of discardable races).
For such boats as may still be equal the better result in the last race in which the points are not equal will prevail. A DSQ arising from RRoS 42 infringement may be discarded.
8.1 The configuration of the course shall be discussed with the IFDCO championship Organisation Committee.
8.2 The course should be laid out at a distance of at least one quarter mile from the shore.
8.3 If one race a day is to be sailed the course length should be approximately 12 nautical miles. The race should last approximately 100 and 120 minutes for the first boat.
If two races are to be sailed each day the course length should be approximately 7 nautical miles. Each race should last approximately 90 minutes for the first boat.
8.4 The minimum average wind speed for WC and EC should not be less than approximately 5 knots over the whole course at the start.
A significant wind shift occurring during a race that would have a direct effect on the final finishing position of more than 20% of the fleet should lead to that race being abandoned subject to discussion between the Principal Race Officer and member of the Championship Committee.
8.5 For WC and EC the Starting line should be laid out at approximately right angles to the wind direction.
8.6 The length of the starting line for WC and EC should be the total length of all boats entered plus 10%. The starting line for the WC and EC should be clearly defined. Either by two marker buoys, or one mark and a clear mark on the Starting vessel, or by the main masts of vessels stationed at each end of the line. Distance buoys may be used to protect vessels at each end of the line, and their status defi- ned in the Sailing Instructions.
8.7 For the WC and EC the first leg shall, as far as possible, be dead to windward.
8.8 All marks shall be of ample size, and clearly visible from the previous mark in good weather.
8.9 An adequate number of Safety boats shall be available during race days. The number should be in accordance with the guidelines of the host country National Authority.
As a guide there should be one safety boat per 10 -15 entries.
9.1 Race Committee 9. 1.1 The Organising Authority shall appoint a Race Com- mittee whose duties shall be to plan the Championship and also to be responsible for the day to day running of the regatta, both afloat and ashore. The daily mana- gement of the races afloat shall be delegated by the Race Committee to its representatives afloat, the Race Officers. Attention is drawn to ISAF Regulation 36.6 concerning the ability of a race officer to communicate in English.
9.2 International Jury
9.2.1 The organising Authority shall nominate an International Jury with the con- sent of the IFDCO Championship Organisation Committee in accordance with conditions for Decisions of an International Jury to be final.(RRoS Appendix M)
9.2.2 The International Jury shall:
a) Determine whether protests are valid or invalid.
b) Conduct hearings and decide protests in accordance with the Appendix M. c) Penalise boats in accordance with rule 60.3.
d) Call hearings in accordance with rule 63.
e) Initiate considerations of redress in accordance with rule 62.
f) Reopen hearings in accordance with rule 66.
g) Judge requests for redress from competitors against decisions of the Measurement committee.
h) Authorise reserve crews and boats.
i) Initiate and authorise changes in or additions to the Sailing Instructions. j) Observe “on the water” infringements Sculling 42.2(d), and Pumping FD Championship Rule 10.
9.2.3 The decisions of the International Jury shall be final. The written consent of the National Authority, when required, to the decisions of the International Jury being final shall be indicated.
9.2.4 The Organising Authority shall invite at least one member of the IFDCO General Committee to serve on the International Jury.
9.3 IFDCO Championship Committee
9.3.1 The IFDCO Championship Organisation Committee is a subcommittee of the IFDCO General Committee and its function is to select venues for the WC and EC events subject to approval by the IFDCO General Committee. At Cham- pionships it represents the interests of the IFDCO and its members sailing in the event. It may convene at Championships together with the officials of IFDCO or the National FD Class Association Secretaries present at the event to discuss points of importance concerning the Championship.
9.3.2 Before the first race, the IFDCO Championship Organisation Committee will meet with the Principal Race Officer to discuss any modifications to the Sai- ling Instructions. Any dispute will be referred to the International Jury. Further meetings may be held during the event to discuss the conduct of the Champion- ship.
9.3.3 During the course of the regatta the day to day control of the racing will be in the hands of the Race Committee.
9.4 Measurement committee
9.4.1 The Measurement Committee will be appointed by the Organising Authori- ty from names to be submitted to the IFDCO Championship Organisation Com- mittee for approval. The IFDCO Chief Measurer shall be President of the Measurement committee.
10. 1 For WC and EC the SI should be based upon the guidelines laid down in Appendix K of the current RRS. The following amendments/alterations may be used:
a) Race Signals: A repetitive sound signal may be given when Flag ‘X’ is displayed.
b) RRS 42.3: On a free leg of the course, the only action permitted for the sole purpose of accelerating a yacht down the face of a wave (surfing) or, when planing conditions exist, responding to an increase in velocity of the wind is the action of not more than three rapidly repeated trims and releases of any sail (pumping). There shall be no further pumping with respect to that wave or increase in wind.
c) RRS 6 1.1 a: In addition: A finishing yacht intending to protest shall inform the RC of the yachts to be protested.
d) RRS 6 1.1 b: If the RC or U protests a boat because of an infringement it obser- ves in the racing area it shall notify the competitor by a Protest Notice.
e) RRS 62.1 a: Failure of a boat to be on station to display her signal, or actions of Jury Boats will not be grounds for redress.
f) RRS 66: In addition: On the last day of racing a party to the hearing may ask for a reopening no later than one hour of being informed of the decision.
10.2 Unimportant alterations may be allowed after consultation with the IFDCO Championship Organisation Committee or the International Jury.