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All FD World Championship events

HELP NEEDED MEASUREMENT @ FD Europeans in Puerto Sherry 0 (0)

Dear sailors,

as measurement team we ask for your help. We do need extra hands. At the moment we don’t have enough volunteers to fulfil a proper measurement.

We need the following:

1 person at boat entry – someone who check if the boat is dry, towing line, life jackets, trapeze harness…….. For Saturday and Sunday
2 people with the mast and boom – Friday, Saturday and Sunday
2 people with the hull weighing – Now I have one person for Sunday, I need 2 people on Friday
1 person for Sail measuring – on all days and an extra person for Saturday

If you would like to help please contact Tanja Heijink ( or +31629525576).

Your help is much appreciated,

And….. if you don’t have registered yet for a timeslot for measurement. Please do. You can find the instructions on the notice board.



FD Worlds 24: Measurement Slots 0 (0)

Welcome to the Worlds 24,

here are your measurements slots for the Worlds.

See you in the sailing center in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Worlds Measurement Timeslot 4 (1)

Dear participants,

Last Worlds we started with the new online system for reserving a time slot for measurement.
It was successful. All knew in advance to be measured and we were on time for each boat.
This is why we will set this as a standard for all coming Worlds and Europeans.

You can reserve a time slot in 2 ways:

1. Using the online system by following the link:

2. By sending an email to me with your boat nr and 3 possible time slots


Please find all necessary information and instructions in the following document.

Entry Fee Grant Worlds St. Petersburg 2.8 (5)

Dear Worlds Competitors!
As the Notice of Race was produced quite late (november 2023) by the organizers we were not informed about the very high entry fee any earlier.
The Committee tried to get the entry fee down but as the St. Petersburg YC did not find any sponsors for the event they did not want to lower the entry fee.
Quite a few participants were very unhappy about this and expressed their disapointment to the committee.
In a Zoom meeting on february 14 2024 the committee decided to support the teams that will go to St.Petersburg with the amount of €130 in order to compensate for the very high entry fee. This is a one time decision!
For those involved please contact the treasurer Roman Houdek to get the Entry Fee Grant transferred to your account.
Peter van Koppen
President IFDCO

Instruction for measurement Worlds in St. Petersburg 2024 0 (0)

Dear participants,

Greetings from the measurement team.

In a few months the Worlds 2024 in St Petersburg will take place.
For making the measurement procedure as smooth as possible for everyone, please make sure, your boats are DRY for weighing and the presented equipment is complete and according to the FD Class Rules and the Equipment Rules of Sailing:

Last year we started with an online system to reserve a time slot form measurement. This went very well, so we will continue with this. We will handle 4 boats an hour. For this it is essential that you are ready at the beginning of each time slot. For example: if you reserved the time slot of 14.00 – 15.00, you should be there at 14.00.
Please prepare your boat as mentioned in the measurement instructions (see notice board).

Rudders and centerboards
Also this year special attention should be drawn to the rudders and centerboards (see class Rules pages 15, 16 (rules 50 and 51) and appendix F) as a considerable number have been found to be out of spec. during earlier measurements.
We found a lot of issues last years and we will check again. Especially for boats which were not present during a worlds the last 2 years.
Also this time we will be strict for reasons of fairness.

Limit mark mast nr 3
Rule 68: Limit marks. The intention of rule 68 (band nr 3) is that the main sail is not allowed to be above this limit mark. We noticed that it was possible for some boats to hoist the main above this mark. This is not allowed.
To prevent this we will do check the following: “There shall be a system or stop on the mast to prevent the head point of the mainsail from being hoisted above the upper limit (lower edge of band #3). Please take care that this needs to be a solid system which cannot be adjusted during the worlds.