Dear FD Sailors,
following a brief update on the planning of the Puerto Sherry events:
As some of us have been facing challenges with the credit card payment for the Europeans, the early registration deadline has been extended until August 30th. In case your credit card payment failed, please pay by bank transfer using the following details:
Holder: Club Náutico Puerto Sherry
Bank: La Caixa
IBAN: ES8321006234400200158815
Subject: sail # + Europeans FD
Please also monitor the notice board of the event for news. Tanja recently posted notifications regarding the measurement.
We also have been working with the Club Nautico Puerto Sherry regarding the termination of the events between the Europeans 2024 and the Worlds 2025. The latest status is shown below. The 2025 regattas are still pending approval of the Spanish Sailing Federation and we are trying with the Club Nautico Puerto Sherry to get the Spanish Championship scheduled as close as possible prior to the Worlds.
Best regards