
Dear Friends;

We are pleased to share with you, after almost 10 years of break, that we have resumed our nautical activities. This has been quite complicated, as several of our FDs have had to be repaired and left in good conditions. But , given our desire and enthusiasm to raise our new Class in Chile, we have 7 FDs in the water, having another 5 more to repair. We plan on having an active fleet of at least 10 FDs in the medium term.

We also like to share with you that our Class in Chile has existed during three generations.  and, being born in the 60 `s, time common and remembered our friend, Conrad Gulcher, also friend of my father, Epifanio Gallego, who, yet its 96 years, is still our “Patriarch”, generation, for the 80 `s, gave way to their children, thus keeping many of the same surnames of precursors, in the second stage, such as; Hassler, Gallego, Brandner, Bierwirth, Price, and others being our class today, after 30 years, continuing to follow and some other new names, which have also been in love with the lines of our FD `s speed, compared to other classes in our midst.

We hope to continue in this process, reaching to have a stable class, which we characterize as always has been, by a spirit of family and sharing on and off the water. Until next time ….

We invite you to visit our Facebook page. , Flying Dutchman Chile.Chile photo

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