Archive for April, 2017

Election / Reelection of General Committee Members 0 (0)

Dear FD sailors,

it’s time for the next elections / reelections of General Committee members.

Following positions are up for election at this year’s Annual General Committee Meeting (AGCM) at the Worlds in Scarlino, Italy:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • VP Championships
  • VP Communications
  • VP Development

Please feel free to nominate any proper candidate who you think is the best person for one of the above position. Please be aware of the following procedure for the nominations for these positions which must be in accordance with our Bye Laws No.’s 6.6.5, 6.6.6 & 6.6.12:

6.6.5 Nominations for appointments to the Executive Committee shall be made in writing to the General Secretary at least three months before the commencement of an AGCM. Each nomination shall be proposed by five IFDCO members from at least three countries and shall indicate that the person nominated has confirmed their willingness to serve in accordance with the Byelaws.

6.6.6 On receipt of a valid nomination to fill a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the General Secretary shall post a notice on the IFDCO website, together with a short curriculum vitae supplied by the nominee. Within one month the General Secretary shall notify the IFDCO membership of a vote together with a deadline one month later, and shall then tally the votes and post the results prior to the AGCM.

“When an election is required by the Bye Laws it is to be conducted and concluded by a vote of all current IFDCO members present at the competitors meeting. The IFDCO General Secretary will act as the returning officer for the election and will advise the general committee of the result. The general committee shall then appoint the new members of the general committee in accordance with the IFDCO Foundation Rules.

6.6.12 The Vice President Development shall be nominated by IFDCO members who are not represented by the five Commodores.

All nominations along with correct number of proposers must be received by the General Secretary Meike Greten ( no later than Friday the 23rds June.

See you all in Scarlino.

Best regards

Meike Greten

IFDCO General Secretary

Upcoming events in Germany and Austria 0 (0)

Summer is coming in Europe and the sailors are preparing their boats for the first regattas!

Here are the Notices of Race for the Austrian Championship and the FD Cup Diessen (Eurocup this year):

Austrian Championship:

FD Cup Diessen:!/

Awesome events in an awesome landscape of the alps!

Hope to see you there!

Bene GER90


Trapezregatta Steinhude 0 (0)

One of the biggest regattas this year, takes place in Steinhude again. The international Trapezregatta! Already over 60 entries!
Join the fun here:


For more FD news and to stay always informed visit us on Facebook:


Tim, GER 90

Results Eurocup Altea and Australian national championship 0 (0)

The season 2017 started and we can already announce the first results:

Eurocup Altea:

Australian national championship:

Northern Europe is still sleeping but there will be more events soon.

Bene GER90