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UK & German Nationals 0 (0)

At the last weekend of July the UK class meets at the Hailing Island Sailing Club for their Nationals. For more details see here. At the same the German Class their IDM at the Mürritz, Germany´s largest lake. Here are the complete informations. MARC GER172

UK National Championship 0 (0)

Hello everyone I can now give you a bit more information about our 2017 Open National Championships, which we are sharing with the 5o5’s

Dates:-       27th – 30th July 2017
Host Club:- Hayling Island Sailing Club
Races:-       9 Races (2,3,2,2) each of 45 – 60 minutes. Racing starting at 13:00 each day
Courses:-    Will be triangle, sausage ailed in the bay (weather permitting)
Entry:-       £150 per boat however it has been agreed that the UK Class will give a 50% subsidy for all entries, making the cost just £75 per boat*
Socials:-     BBQ & music on the Thursday evening (cost of tickets is included in the entry) + some after sailing refreshments on the other days which will be provided by IFDCO/BS,
* Two conditions for receiving the grant both crew & helm must be members of IFCDO and your entry and the £75 payment must be received by the 31st May.
I will circulate the NoR. as soon as it’s published
We have so few active boats in the UK these days we are now very reliant on visiting teams from Germany, Holland and elsewhere to support our Nationals if we going to survive, so please can I ask that spread the word around your National Class

Tony Lyall
National Secretary

National Championships UK and GER 0 (0)

The UK FD class has announced that they may have sorted a venue & date for our nationals on the South Coast at Hayling Island S.C. sharing with the 505’s dates 27th – 30th July.

The German FD class has dropped theis plans for the International German Championship during the Kiel week. New date an venue are Röbeler Segler-Verein „Müritz“ 27.07. – 30.07.2017 on the  Müritz.


UK National Championships 2016 0 (0)

They will be held at Largs Sailing Club joining in with the Cumbrae Dinghy Weekend which is part of the clubs regatta week

Dates:-        27th & 28th August
Format:-      Saturday 27th 3 Races
Sunday 28th  1 Long Distance Race around the Islands (weather permitting) I understand that is a race distance of some 12 miles+
Entry Fee:-  Entry is free to all Class members (paid for by IFDCO/BS)

If there are enough boats we will get our own start
NoR will soon be available on the Club website

Tony Lyall
National Secretary

UK Nationals – New date and venue! 0 (0)

We have had to change the dates and venue of our National Championships.
The reason for this that we have been advised that the local conditions at Highcliffe are such that launching & recovering plus sailing to/from the sailing area may prove very difficult for the Flying Dutchman especially in adverse weather conditions Therefore in the best interests of the class the decision was made to abandon the idea of going to Highcliffe and instead go to Lake Bala in North Wales & hold our Championship as part of the clubs August Bank Holiday Regatta. Bala S. C. last hosted our Championships back in 2006 and the club have always made the class very welcome whenever we have been there in the past.

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